Wednesday, March 29, 2023

What Does the Bible Really Say!

Reading my Breviary (1962) I came across this magnificent turn of phrase at the beginning of Psalm 22 (Vulgate): "Dominus regit me" and wondered at the common English romantic rendering: "The Lord is my Shepherd."

Then I looked it up on the Septuagint and found that the form was the active verb form of the Latin and not the abstract poetic form of the normal English translation. My Modern Greek Bible also goes poetic. Then I went to the 1964 English translation of the 1962 breviary and it already goes to the romantic poetry, deviating from the Septuagint. I presume that these deviations from the Septuagint come from the Hebrew texts, which, as I understand it, are much later editions of the Scripture than the earliest extant Septuagint editions.

It seems the "The Lord is my Shepherd" is originally from the anti-Hellenist Protestants, the King James Version has it that way, and, it is Psalm 23! the same as our Post Vatican II Bibles! The New Vulgate (1979) says Dominus pascit me, the Lord shepherds me, which maintains the active verb form.

Finally, I went to the Douay Rheims (1899 version), which says, directly translating from the Vulgate: "The Lord ruleth me." Then, going to my copy of the original Doway (1609) it says "Our Lord ruleth me." Then, with immense pleasure, I continued looking at the rich text of that original Doway, including all the notes and glosses, which are many! Here is what I make it out to say, in contemporary English words, as literal as I can render it. It is a veritable complete little Catechism is one psalm!

Psalme XXII

[Thanksgeuing for Gods protection]
A forme of thankesgiuing for al spiritual benefites (described vnder the metaphor of temporal prosperitie) euen from a sinners first conuersion, to final perseuerance, and eternal beatutude.

1 + The Psalme of Dauid
[Isa. 40. Jere.23. Ezech.34. Ioan.10. I.Pet.2.&5.]

2 Our a Lord ruleth me, and nothing shal be wanting to me: + in place b of pasture there he hath placed me.
[a Christ the good pastor, gouerneth, protecteth, and feedeth his faithful flocke.]

3 Vpon c the water of refection he hath brought me vp: + he hath d conuerted my soule.
[c Baptisme of regeneration, d which is the first iustification.]

4 He hath conducted me vpon e the pathes of iustice, f for his name.
[e Gods precepts which the baptised must obserue. Mat.28. v.20. f Saluation is in the name and powre of Christ, not in mans owne merites.]

Thy rod and thy k staffe: they haue comforted me.
[i Gods direction and law is streight, k and strong.]

5 + Thou hast prepared in my sight l a table, m against them; that truble me.
[l Christ hath prepared for our spiritual foode the B. Sacrament of the Eucharist. S. Cyprian. Epist. 63. Eutim. in hunc Psal. against al spiritual enemies, the world, the flesh, and the diuel.]

Thou n hast fatted my head with oyle: and my o chalice inebriating how goodlie is it!
[n Christian soules are also streingthned by the Sacraments of Confirmation, Penance, holie Orders, Matrimonie, and Extreme Vnction. The B. Sacrament and Sacrifice of Christs bodie and bloud.]

6 + And thy mercie shal folow me p al the dayes of my life:
[p continual and final perseuerance is by Gods special grace.]

And that I may dwel in the house of our Lord, q in longitude of dayes.
[q in eternal life.]

Photostatic reprint by Forgotten Books, English College of Doway, The Second Tome of the Holie Bible Faithfully Translated into English, Out of the Authentical Latin, Diligently Conferred With the Hebrew, Greeke, and Other Editions in Divers Languages, London, 2018. ISBN: 9780365484530

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Summa Sermon Notes: Advent Through Pentecost

Summa Sermon Notes 1 Advent 1-3
Summa Sermon Notes 2 Advent 4, Christmas Day, St. Stephen
Summa Sermon Notes 3 In Oct. Christ., Circumcision, Epiph., In Oct. Epiph.
Summa Sermon Notes 4 2-6 Post Epiphany
Summa Sermon Notes 5 Sept., Sext., Quinq.
Summa Sermon Notes 8 4 Lent, Passion
Summa Sermon Notes 11 2, 3 Post Easter
Summa Sermon Notes 12 4,5 Post Easter
Summa Sermon Notes 13 Ascension, Post Ascension
Summa Sermon Notes 14 Pentecost, Trinity

The Definitive Failure of Vatican II

In 1966 Father Joseph Ratzinger gave the four goals of the Council as expressed by Pope Saint John XXIII's opening address of Session II of the Council on September 29th 1963.

1. A widening of the horizon of the Church to include the communion of saints in heaven.

2. The renewal of the Church.

3. The reestablishment of unity among Christians.

4. The Church's dialogue with contemporary man.

Cf. Ratzinger, Theological Highlights of Vatican II, New York: Paulist Press, 1966, 42.

In light of the Papacy of Pope Francis we can now say that on those four objectives the Council was a complete failure.

1. The Church is in no way more focused on the Church triumphant than she was before the 1960's. Her supernatural focus, in fact, is ever decreasing.

2. Regarding renewal of the Church the parochial transmission of the faith is almost completely bankrupt, except where tradition is preserved and promoted. The morale and moral life of the clergy seems abysmal, and the missionary outreach of the Church is progressively worse.

3. Unity among Christians has not been achieved, except in a very limited way with the establishment of the Anglican Ordinariate. The reconciliation and zeal for the faith achieved by Summorum Pontificum is presently denied and opposed, despite the great success among young Catholics for traditional doctrine and worship throughout the world.

4. The Church's attempt to dialogue with contemporary man has resulted in a deaf ear on the part of contemporary man to the Catholic faith of the ages and a distortion of that faith which is evident in the persistent confusion of the Pope Francis papacy.

Pope Francis is a direct fruit of Vatican II: a rupture from the past and unending confusion in a false appeal to the world.

The Church now needs a Pope who will declare the failure of the modern Pastoral Council, admitting the plain and obvious fact that the pastoral moment to which the Council attempted to appeal has come and gone without any palpable success. It is time to move on with the faith of the ages, with supernatural boldness.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

"Our Lord Ruleth Me," A Doway Psalm with Glosses

Here is the literal text of the original 1609 Douay Old Testament Psalm 22, typically known today as "The Lord is My Shepherd." The text in brackets is the marginal notes (the glosses).

Psalme XXII

[Thanksgeuing for Gods protection]
A forme of thankesgiuing for al spiritual benefites (described vnder the metaphor of temporal prosperitie) euen from a sinners first conuersion, to final perseuerance, and eternal beatutude.

1 + The Psalme of Dauid
[Isa. 40. Jere.23. Ezech.34. Ioan.10. I.Pet.2.&5.]

2 Our a Lord ruleth me, and nothing shal be wanting to me: + in place b of pasture there he hath placed me.
[a Christ the good pastor, gouerneth, protecteth, b and feedeth his faithful flocke.]

3 Vpon c the water of refection he hath brought me vp: + he hath d conuerted my soule.
[c Baptisme of regeneration, d which is the first iustification.]

4 He hath conducted me vpon e the pathes of iustice, f for his name.
[e Gods precepts which the baptised must obserue. Mat.28. v.20. f Saluation is in the name and powre of Christ, not in mans owne merites.]

Thy i rod and thy k staffe: they haue comforted me.
[i Gods direction and law is streight, k and strong.]

5 + Thou hast prepared in my sight l a table, m against them; that truble me.
[l Christ hath prepared for our spiritual foode the B. Sacrament of the Eucharist. S. Cyprian. Epist. 63. Eutim. in hunc Psal. m against al spiritual enemies, the world, the flesh, and the diuel.]

Thou n hast fatted my head with oyle: and my o chalice inebriating how goodlie is it!
[n Christian soules are also streingthned by the Sacraments of Confirmation, Penance, holie Orders, Matrimonie, and Extreme Vnction. o The B. Sacrament and Sacrifice of Christs bodie and bloud.]

6 + And thy mercie shal folow me p al the dayes of my life:
[p continual and final perseuerance is by Gods special grace.]

And that I may dwel in the house of our Lord, q in longitude of dayes.
[q in eternal life.]

Photostatic reprint by Forgotten Books, English College of Doway, The Second Tome of the Holie Bible Faithfully Translated into English, Out of the Authentical Latin, Diligently Conferred With the Hebrew, Greeke, and Other Editions in Divers Languages, London, 2018. ISBN: 9780365484530

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Digital Anonymity

I have three technological devices, all over a decade old: an acer laptop, an iphone 6, and a mini ipad, non of them with service, only ever using them with wifi. The laptop is constantly harrassing me about not upgrading from Windows7.

Now the handheld devices are harranging me about settings identity and it is quite frustrating. I am at wits end not wanting to wast any other time or concern with these matters.

Here is a great video on this problem. It seems to me that the only solution is to go to the desert alone and live in a cave. Saint Benedict did that when he was fed up with Rome attempting to take over his life! and thereby largely contributed to the laying of the foundations of Western civilization as we know it.

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