You have probably already heard the ubiquitous and, by now, cliche ridiculing expression about blogging:
"Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few."
It's clever but false!
For "so many people with so little to say say so much to so few" and have done so,
--in all marriages and families from the beginning of time and forever,
--in all small communities, committees, gangs, etc.,
--in all relationships,
--on all cell-phones and e-mail accounts,
--previously, in all town squares of America (which were neighborhood friendly), and all ethnic clubs in our big city neighborhoods (often composed of Catholic men) before they were systematically dismantled (cf. E. Michael Jones The Slaughter of the Cities: http://www.culturewars.com/Reviews/SlaughterReviews.html).
A cliche is a clever and popular lie or exaggeration. It is the opposite of a proverb.
A proverb is an ornate and deep truth. A cliche is a disguised lie.
As Father L. says http://wdtprs.com/blog/2010/02/%e2%80%9cbroadcast%e2%80%9d-to-%e2%80%9cnarrowcast%e2%80%9d/, there are great advantages to the "narrow casting" of the blogosphere versus the "broadcasting" of the propaganda giants.
It is a great advance from uninvited highway billboards, TV commercials, pop-ups of elite marketing, and from the never ending general e-mailings and spam. It also beats the highly monopolized major news sources. This is the very definition of democracy, people freely exchanging their own ideas rather than only spouting the politically correct ideas from the "acceptable" angle. Perhaps the coiner of this cliche would prefer a dictatorship, one voice for everyone. I prefer the blogging model.
Why? Well, the small, discriminating and selective voices and audiences is the great novelty and advantage of blogging. It finally creates a worldwide forum enabling the freedom to be informative, informed and selective (i.e. studious [specializing in a specific area] as opposed to being scattered). It provides much greater freedom for discovering and sharing and refining truth!!! Universal sharing of truth is the greatest threat to and defence against those who would control others. It has been one of the keys to the worldwide Catholic Church, freedom in sharing and embracing the Truth in every land and every time. Granted, there is the danger of error being propagated by the blogs, but I should rather trust by discriminating search for the truth among the many voices (many of which are most excellent), guided by Catholic principles, than entrust that search to the hitherto news and information tyrants and their financiers.
We in the blogosphere are duty bound to be here to promote and defend the truth, and we strongly defend that same responsibility, and, therefore, that right to be here, against the objections of our detractors.
It should not be necessary to be the strongest voice in order to have a voice.
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