I love the series because it emphasizes the gravity of abortion and the reality of the child in the womb and the fact that abortion is evil, because all of the women would prefer not to be considering it.
The show highligts the fact that abortion (gravely and categorically sinful and always wrong for whatever reason) is a symptom of other grave problems (such as adultery, fornication, violence). Those underlying problems need to be addressed in the great war against abortion. And the greatest problem underlying them all is the ignoring of God and His incarnate love and mercy through our Savior Jesus Christ.
We are sick, individually and as a society, insofar as we reject Jesus Christ and His way. We have laws against physical violence. We used to have laws against sexual immorality, but because we have banned God from the public forum we have accepted every form of sexual perversion, and the consequence is death.
It is good for the world to see the underlying causes of abortion: immorality and abuse of all types. As is written repeatedly in the book of Proverbs, sexual immorality kills! And irreligion confuses the connection. It is no accident that the fifth and sixth commandments come one after the other. Life and love must always go together as they are in God.
And I do agree, furthermore, that if any of the girls decides to abort, that the abortion should be shown, including the baby in the trash, to show the horror of the abominable crime and that no circumstances can justify it. (The criminal act of) abortion is a symptom (of other underlying sins) and not a solution.
What this show emphasises is that abortion is a false solution because it ignores and circumvents the experience and the crisis of the woman. That is a great personalistic argument (avoiding moralism) against abortion. In other words, every woman needs to be listened to and helped and know that the baby is never the problem, and that, therefore, the abortion solves nothing! It just adds one very grave problem to all the other problems: it makes the mother (and father and doctor, etc.) a murderer!!!
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