Pope Benedict's key insight for this Lent is his redefinition of justice
He says that justice, dare cuique suum (to give each person what is his) includes divine love, because the first element in each man's suum is the gift of God. So that, you have not given a man what is rightly his as a man unless you give him God and His love, and for that you need to go to God to receive Him so as to be able to give Him to others in giving yourself (in the state of divine grace) to them.
He quotes Saint Augustine who says: "If justice is the virtue which gives each man what is his own,...how can you call human justice what takes away the true God from men and puts unclean demons in His place." (De Civitate Dei, XIX, 21)
The first justice is to give men God, the love of God, which is made possible in one's personal communion with Christ. Lenten conversion means turning to Christ in order that we ourselves may become (in our real and personal communion with Him) the very gift of God (Christ Himself in you) for the world. Then we can love others the way that they need to be loved, with the limitless heart of God, of Christ.
He gave us His Son. How can He refuse (not give) us anything else. What is He unwilling to give! (cf. Rom 8:32) His mercy is infinite! Ours too must reach that same level, for our own sake and for the sake of others. The world needs, each man needs the love of God, it is vital, it is right.
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