Please note that yesterday's post is an advertisement for a new Spanish Natural Family Planning (NFP) course in New Jersey. The course is the Billings Ovulation Method http://www.woomb.org/and will be taught in one evening for a nominal fee. Being medically based it is most effective and, with some basic instructions, easy to learn and very easy to practice. And, above all, it is good.
NFP is moral and, therefore, harmonizes with the beauty and integrity of the marital act. While promoting marital responsibility, NFP helps build true marital unity! Every form of contraception and sterilization, however, destroys marital love by contradicting the beauty and the integrity of the marital act (the two never become one, never really giving and opening themselves to each other!). Contraception kills! (cf. Genesis 38:8)
Please pass on the link to any young Hispanic couples or any parishes or organizations which serve them in the New York metropolitan area.
Please pass on the link to any young Hispanic couples or any parishes or organizations which serve them in the New York metropolitan area.
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