Sunday, October 12, 2014


Why I believe in God, and in Jesus Christ one in being with the Father.


The holiness of her doctrine.
The holiness of her liturgy.
The holiness of her saints.

Our doctrine does not change because it is not from us but from God Himself who cannot lie, and the government cannot manipulate or change our doctrine or our morality, because it comes from God who is True.

There is no higher art than the Mass: the adoration of God the Father by Jesus Christ crucified, and His Spouse the Church, perpetuating this sublime worship in the Catholic Mass.

The Catholic Church makes Saints in every age! E.g. Saint Gianna, Pope Saint John Paul II, Blessed Mother Teresa.

I believe in God because of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which is His ordinary and explicit manifestation in the world. That is why the devil and all his slaves hate and violently oppose the Church.

Hence Popes are not eligible for the Nobel Peace Prize! While it is evident that there is no one who was more effective in the construction of peace among nations than the iconic Pope Saint John Paul II!

You see, in order to have peace and see the way to peace you must first have a clear and true morality and live it. You have to love God and let His love purify and properly orient your disordered loves. Saints are the true peacemakers! They are servants of the Prince of Peace. Christ, the Lord of all the Saints, rules the world with His mercy from His holy throne in eternity.

Violence will not win the day, but mercy in the truth, which is guaranteed by the Catholic Faith as established and vouchsafed by Jesus Christ the Lord, by the working of the Holy Spirit in His Holy and infallible Church.

And, yes, Saints are made by the forgiveness of sins in sincere repentance and holy lives of penitence. That is the meaning of the Cross of Christ. Christ is the sole Source of holiness. The Church is holy only because He is holy and he sanctifies Her in His Blood! The Catholic doctrine, the Catholic liturgy are instruments of salvation in which Christ is actively present sanctifying men, working on sinners to make them Saints.

That is what I have seen for 48 years as a Catholic Christian and it is the highest and profoundest truth of human existence and the meaning of everything else. Jesus Christ is God and God is with us in Him in our Catholic Church, which belongs to all humanity, for all men are meant by Christ to be one with Him in His Church.
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