Ever trying to perfect the art of sprinkling so that they all get doused, and I economize my movement, and the aspergillum does not run dry, and that it should travel easily without spillage, with the most worthy materials possible, at the most reasonable price; I have come up with some household glass alternatives to the more expensive metallic oriental versions (of which I have a very nice small silver one from Tiffany & Co.), not to mention the ubiquitous "pen" versions (also vintage sterling silver).
I have used by my bedside for years this dignified (now old) perfume bottle (approx. 5 oz.).
What I am now beginning to use for the Latino prayer group and the Haitian prayer group, is the bottle from Louisiana Hot Sauce which I shall also bless for that purpose. I'm using the 12 oz. bottle. It comes in larger and smaller sizes. This is the largest one that fits comfortably in my hand (a bit larger than the oriental varieties). The price is right and it looks nice and you get some nice hot sauce as a primer to the durable bottle.