Tomorrow's Gospel (Matt. 7:21,24-27) is about listening to Jesus Christ and doing what He tells you, i.e. obeying the will of God.
The commandments, the sacramental life, a life of prayer and meditation and service, always in conversation with Our Blessed Lord, is like a man who builds his house on rock which nothing will ever be able to shake.
The one who does not follow Christ is like the man who built his house on sand which will end in complete disaster.
This is much deeper than the simple moral of industriousness of the Three Little Pigs. The moral here is that the greatest industry, sine qua non, is loyalty to Jesus Christ, always and in everything.
Make the Lord the Lord of your life. Be sure He is Lord of everything! Do not put your trust in yourself or in anyone or anything.
The only real success and the source of every other success is fidelity!
As Mother Teresa so often said: God calls you to be faithful, not successful!
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