Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Conclave 2005 and 2013 Cardinal Contrast!

To get a sense of the vote of the English speaking cardinals just look at the contrast in Cardinal George's expression in the live footage of the last two Papal elections.

Go to the 1:29:45 minute for Cardinal George's loggia conversation to a fellow cardinal, visibly concerned and agitated!

Contrast that with the satisfied peace and serenity emitted by Cardinal George in the same loggia after the 2005 election of Pope Benedict, among a team of jubilant brother cardinals! A picture worth a thousand words!

It's at the 54:07 minute.

Couple this fact with the marked distance and coldness of Pope Francis to the English speaking world. I suspect that part of the reason for this is that the Americans never went for him from the start, except for the Cardinal McCarrick types of 2005 (some of whom were over eighty in 2013, but surely did their share of politicking in the pre-conclave cardinal meetings; George, at least, was certainly not at all swayed!)

N.B. The first act of Pope Francis (after his brief greeting of the people) was to have every one join him in praying for the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: one Pater, one Ave and one Gloria Patris (in italiano). Do not forget to pray for the Emeritus Pope!
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