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Why? |
It's the same old "We're right!" syndrome.
The atheist suffers from the same delusion.
Q. 1. What exactly do you mean by "right" as opposed to "wrong?"
Q. 2. Once you have established the criteria of "right" you have made yourself God. Not even the Pope presumes to determine what is right. He simply claims to be guided by God in unerringly pointing out the right in matters of faith and morals, as promised Saint Peter and the Church, by Christ, the Word of God Himself.
"Enlightenment" men are most presumptuous: Descartes, Locke, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche...They search for a sure foundation which they claim is not given. But their very conviction and enthusiasm in the search betrays them. They all presume that they stand above and beyond the realm of knowing as they begin their quest for knowledge. But whence their intuition about the search and what to search for and how to search for it, and acceptable and unacceptable means thereof? They are all complicated testimonies to the truth of the prologue of Saint John.
"In the beginning was the Word." And the Word is a Person: Relationship! The Word is God and God is Love: Three in One!
Their very speech betrays them!
Even the skeptic is biased and is always riddled with epistemological presumptions!
"Descartes implicitly encourages his disciple to be epistemologically wary of the historical, the physical, the particular. And by embarking upon a systematic undoing of the received cultural and intellectual heritage, he encourages an iconoclastic antitraditionalism in the one who seeks wisdom. Now all of these Cartesian stances may be helpful in certain circumstances, but it is by no means obvious that they are the attitudes of the unprejudiced knower, simply seeking the truth. In fact, they come up out of Descartes own desires, life history, frustrations, and cultural setting--and they should be assessed as such. They should certainly not be compared favorably to the prejudices and assumptions of the Christian knower."
Barron, The Priority of Christ, p. 151.
The difference between the atheist and the Christian is that the Christian knows believes and professes that he believes. The Christian knows what he is about.
The atheist is a believer and does not know it! He is a believer in denial: the haughtiest of believers and the most hypocritical (hypo-critical) of men for he pretends to stand above it all while being the greatest absolutist. He is an intellectual terrorist! Tears down and never builds while presuming to be "right."
It's the age old "non serviam!" of Satan. And Saint Michael expels him and all the demons and banishes them to Hell with his most appropriate and intellectually satisfying "Who is Like God" = "Micheal."
Knowledge of reality demands a response to relativism, it must be answered and corrected!
If everything is relative how can you talk of "everything?" Surely your evaluation is skewed. What you really mean is that only your perspective is the valid one and every opposing position is biased. You are the only one who is unbiased. But that is precisely what the Popes have always claimed as their unique privilege, with all believers! Welcome to the club of absolutism!
The Truth does indeed exist, His name is Jesus Christ and He has entrusted Himself exclusively to the care of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in this world, and, in eternity, to the will of the Father and the binding embrace of the Holy Spirit.