Abortion is deemed legally necessary for the "rights," "freedom," and "health" of women, even though it is the direct killing of each abortee, and irreparable damage to each of the women so aborted. We even designate tax-payer funding for the murder of those annual million+ babies in the USA alone, not to mention the other millions killed by abortifacient contraceptives (for example, "the morning after pill").
Homosexual activity, is also juridically promoted and defended as an inalienable and necessary "right," again in the name of "freedom," though it is a chief cause of the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS) which annually claims approximately 1 million deaths worldwide.
Those sins against humanity have continued uninhibited as the whole world has been commanded to stop, not go anywhere, except if "necessary," not even to church, because of some questionable expert speculations about mitigating Covid-19 deaths. Now they say they have curbed the contagion, but they still ban the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world (and every other ill).