Here I brainstorm, transposing some of Christ's titles, etc. into short prayers in Latin which may be used spontaneously to pray during the day. I prefer second person singular, the Thou form of the verbs, though the third person is also quite legitimate in prayer.
Vivis, Christus! (You live, O Christ!)
Christus vivit! (Christ lives!)
Pastor Bonus es, Christus! (Christ, You are the Good Shepherd! or Christ, be the Good Shepherd!)
Pastor Bonus, Christus.
Bonus Pastor, Christus.
Da animam tuam, Christus! (Give your life, O Christ! [for Your sheep, pro ovibus Tuis]
Tuas cognosces. (You know Your own.)
Pater Te noscit. (The Father knows You.)
Tuas cognosce! (Know Your own!)
Ut cognoscamus Te! (May we know You!)
Animam Tuam pone pro nobis! (Lay down Your life for us!)
Animam Tuam pone pro me! (Lay down Your life for me!)
Ut animam meam ponam! (O, that I may give my life [for You, for the sheep])
Ut animas nostras ponamus! (O, that we may give our lives [for You, for the sheep!)