"It can happen that a state falls into the hands of groups which palm off injustice as justice, destroying justice from top to bottom, and thereby, in their own way, creating a peace which in reality is a dictatorship. Such a state, by the methods of modern mass-domination, can produce total subjugation and so give an impression of order and tranquility, while people of uncompromising conscience are thrown into jail, forced into exile or murdered... [A] state without justice is a great band of robbers... [U]nder total tyranny, there is no possibility at all of a war of liberation. Dictatorship quietly sets itself up as the triumph of peace. This is what the New Testament means when it predicts that the Antichrist will appear as the harbinger of 'peace and security.' (1Thes. 5:3) ...What poses as definitive peace may well be the total destruction of peace."
"Peace and Justice in Crisis: The Task of Religion" (1988) in
Joseph Ratzinger in Communio: Volume 1 The Unity of the Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 2010, 109-110.