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1 Maccabees 2:15-29 |
Over the past few weeks some of my brother priests have expressed serious concerns about returning to Novus Ordo parish ministry in the present liturgical upheaval. Here I share two relevant emails with my responses. One is from a young parochial vicar and the other of a middle-aged pastor. They are priests of two different and very large north-eastern USA Dioceses.
Young Parochial Vicar (April 24, 2020): The current episode we’re living through has brought to a head something that has been bubbling inside of me for quite some time. In particular, the cessation of Masses where the faithful are present has been an immense relief to me. This is so because since coming to full-time parish life since my ordination five years ago, I have continued to see (as I did as a seminarian in various parishes) some of the worst Eucharistic abuses imaginable. The opportunity to celebrate private Masses, free of so-called Eucharistic ministers etc., has been a welcome change. At this moment, I feel that, when things go back to normal, I cannot go back to the Novus Ordo — that’s how psychologically burnt out I feel from the things I’ve experienced. Despite repeated attempts to change things, almost no one really listens.
I hope you don’t mind me sharing in this personal way and...this isn’t to put pressure on you to respond with advice necessarily, but I had to get this out. I have begun to consider the FSSP or the ICKSP, but haven’t done anything official yet.
So, please pray for me, as I will for you, and hopefully, in our small ways we can restore the Sacred Liturgy in due time.
Father X
Plinthos: Good Morning Father X,
Gavisi sunt discipuli!
Of course I agree that the liturgy in our Archdiocese has abuses, which, to my mind, is a symptom of the doctrinal and moral corruption. The traditional groups have their own sets of problems. Father Ripperger has a homily on that which I heard last night.
Holiness is the problem. The key is a spiritual director, knowledgeable and loyal to the teaching of the Church. The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis, slow and deliberate, e.g. meditating on one sentence a week (even in Latin), is very helpful for personal sanctification. What we need is to love the Cross.
Give me a call if you like.
Middle-Aged Pastor (May 4, 2020): I am sending the below to a few priests and like your comments on what you think of the whole situation when you have a moment. Stay well and 'oremus pro invicem' in the soon-to-be- post-Coronavirus Church!
I am very concerned and apprehensive of what I am reading from many Dioceses throughout the United States about the reopening of churches for Holy Mass in the next several weeks regarding the reception of Holy Communion. As [my State] has been hit so hard by the Coronavirus I don't believe we will be opening for a while, but I anticipate similar directives once reopening.
In various directives I have read from different diocesan websites, the Bishop/Diocese is making statements such as: "it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to receive Holy Communion in the hand" (Tyler, TX) and "Holy Communion is only to be distributed in the hand" (Milwaukee, WI). Some dioceses are requiring the priest to wear latex gloves while distributing and/or to use tweezers (Miami, FL). I believe even the people are being asked to wear latex gloves which means they will receive Holy Communion in latex covered hands (several Dioceses). Even some of the "good" and devout Bishops are saying this.
I find this to be disrespectful to the Blessed Sacrament and am wondering if you have any advice to give concerning this. If this be the case, I would rather the churches not reopen or to celebrate Holy Mass without the distribution of Holy Communion. While I know I am not ready for this, the thought has crossed my mind to join a Religious Congregation which only offers the Traditional Latin Mass so I would not have to be part of this. But I am not even sure if the Traditional Mass parishes located in those dioceses would have to comply to these directives or if they would be exempt.
Father Y
Plinthos: Dear Father Y,
Gavisi sunt discipuli!
I plan to continue distributing communion only directly on the tongue, except if my bishop should directly order me to do otherwise, then I am not sure what I will do.
At the moment of the distribution of holy communion the hands of the traditional priest are the most germless hands in the church (having washed them during the vesting prayers and then during the lavabo rite, and keeping "digits" thereafter). The adept priest does not touch people when he carefully places the communion into their mouths. In the very rare occasion that one of his fingers should happen to touch a communicant, he immediately wipes his finger and continues distributing.
Here is a comprehensive resource that you might find helpful, sent to me by one of my classmates who is a priest of the Arlington Diocese.