Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Black Mass Coming to Oklahoma City Civic Center!

Here is the Civic Center web page with tickets for this anti-Catholic blasphemy, in America today! Unbelievable! The page clearly explains the satanic and directly anti-Catholic and most perverse origins (if you can believe satanists who are professed liars dedicated to the father of lies).

Click here for the website of the one(s) who will perform the ritual. The website glorifies death, murder, every manner of violence, suicide, moral dissolution, chaos and the devil. It is simply logical that all of this be directed against the One True and Holy God, and Jesus Christ His Son and specifically against the Catholic Church, the Body of Christ in the world.

Bravo to the Bishop of the Diocese who has started a protest and prayer campaign against this violation of mutual religious respect and legitimate tolerance.

Perhaps next on the agenda will be a KKK rally, a Nazi convention, a witch burning (no that would be illegal: what about a public abortion instead?), etc.

A simple search at google images for "black mass" turns up an array of gruesome images, prominently featuring the torture and abuse and apparent killing (sacrificing) of beautiful naked (beware!) young women on the altar. Why aren't feminist groups protesting these outrages? Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that none of this is promoted by the Catholic Church (contrary to what is repeatedly claimed in the propaganda by the promoters of the black mass)? Every self respecting Catholic is outraged by these blasphemous and degrading rituals directly contrary to every form of Christian right worship, not to mention basic human decency. We venerate the most Blessed and Ever Virgin Mary and do all in our power to protect against these gross perversions of religion and basic morality. Isn't it telling how consistently false religions are so closely associated with every manner of sexual sin? You find it, for example throughout the first book of the Bible: Genesis. This present day mockery of Catholicism is also a ploy for perversion.

Bigotry in any form cannot be tolerated, especially in the name of tolerance!

Again, how ironic that there are feminist groups that hate and forcefully protest against the Catholic Church yet have no apparent problem with this outrageous display of degrading and violence against women. Having myself worked for decades with thousands of people of all ages and at all levels of virtue, on the deepest spiritual level, I can attest that the most beautiful, joyful, peaceful, and serene persons are chaste persons of all ages, especially virginal females, on the one hand, and house moms, on the other, who are totally dedicated to the love of God, to the husband, the children and the home, and a life of virtue.

On the contrary, this voyeuristic exploitation and destruction of young women as an ideology and cultic practice is a grave crime against the inherent dignity of the human person and especially women. The advertisement for the black mass at the civic center in fact offers the disclaimer that the ritual has been adapted so as to not be illegal! The implication being that this ritual is normally illegal! What does that mean? Rape? Orgies? Murder of the victim? Mass requires a victim. In the Catholic Mass it is Christ Himself Who is the Eternal Victim offered once for all in a bloody way on the Cross; that same sacrifice being perpetuated and presented anew, albeit in an unbloody way (i.e. by the miracle of the Holy Sacrament), at every Mass. Everything seems to indicate that this black ritual at the very least sensationalizes the violating and killing of beautiful young women, even if it cannot always achieve that purpose! It is not the Catholic Church who is saying this, that is what these self-professed devil-worshipers themselves boast in their website propaganda!

It seems necessary that people contact the board of directors (and the businesses they run) of the Civic Center to express how un-civic is this scheduled anti-Catholic/anti-woman ritual "event".

The phone number for the civic center is 405-297-2584. Call them! Here they are on Facebook, and on Twitter.

Lee Symcox, president, is president of First Fidelity Bank.

Board of Directors: Lee Symcox, Joe Hodges, Jane Thompson, Jim Shaw, Carol Troy, Lance Benham, Carl Edwards, Mark Funke,Elizabeth Gray, Linda C. Haneborg, Robert M. Johnson, Dr. Eric Joseph, Alan Kraft, Hank Kraft, Alan Marcum,Desmond Mason, Brenda McDaniel, J.W. Peters, Teresa Rose, Meg Salyer, Mike Turpen, Kathy Williams, Linda Whittington, Devery Youngblood, and Jim Brown.

N.B. For the incredulous here are links to couple of notorious Satanic murders, mutilations and cannibalism this year in the USA. Now our city governments and universities (Harvard a few months ago was considering the same!) are permitting the promotion of this ideology as legitimate religion or cultural expression!

Well, when fornication no longer offends anyone and sodomy becomes popular  what else is there to upset normal moral sensability except cold blooded murder, incest, mutilation and sacrilege--combine them all in a black mass? That seems to be the ultimate in denying truth and denying God and all authority.

As a further note, this is the slippery slope of the anti-Catholic element popular in the world since the Protestant Reformation as indicated
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