Pants are so unfair to women, making impossible demands. Why? Because all women are fat, and those that aren't fat, are skinny!
MOST WOMEN NEVER LOOK GOOD IN PANTS THEIR ENTIRE LIVES! and 100% of women look terrible in pants most of their lives! Only a small fraction of women can pull it off for a limited youthful time, and before and after they go back to looking the fool, trying to appear to be what they are not. (Cf. Sex and Salvation) It is a disgraceful conspiratorial plot by the devil and all his minions (including males). Fact is, women aren't made for pants!
So, civilized societies (i.e. ones that protect the integrity of their virgins and their wives), sparing their women the embarrassment of having to fit a perfect mold and exhibit it to the whole world, invented the dress for its greater elasticity and gracefulness, not inhumanly constraining our females to a rigid male controlled mold! Have you ever wondered why women always get married in a dress! ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL! They are especially beautiful in dresses!
ALL WOMEN ALWAYS LOOK GOOD IN THE PROPER DRESS, it gives so many more possibilities and does much better at revealing the beauty of the woman than the unforgiving pants! Be a true feminist, reject uncovered pants! (I.e. If you must wear pants, at least have a blouse that covers the tail!)
Oh, and did I mention the matter of modesty! Pants are mostly less modest than a dress, but in no way less feminine! N.B. Islamic dress (from which we have much to relearn of our common millennial immemorial heritage--lost throughout the western world in the short span of the past five or six decades!)
Modesty is as feminine as maternity, lose that and civilization itself is lost!
P.S. This reflection came to me as I gazed at the sanctuary at the end of a daily Mass at a parish not my own. The priest was in the liturgically required elegant and symmetrically flowing robes, and to his right was the inharmonious buttocks (in excessively casual pants) of the sextagenarian female "lector" staring at us all as we intoned the recessional hymn and they reverenced the Most Blessed Sacrament to leave (he rightly genuflecting, she with a profound bow of the head).
It is grossly incongruous with the logic of the Sacred Liturgy that every piece of the Sacred Minister's attire should be so strictly regulated and that of the assisting laymen (women) so overlooked.
What is that type of liturgy (contrary to the true nature of the liturgy) implicitly saying about the dignity of women, the dignity of the laity, and the dignity of the very Liturgy!
At the very least everyone should take care that all ministering tails be covered, minimally, with the tail of a decent jacket, in the Most Holy Sanctuary of God, before His Holy People!
P.S.S. The turn toward Islam for feminine modesty comes very natural to me after having spent, a few years ago, five weeks at Bir Zeit University in Palestine, and there experienced the sublime elegance and refinement of the female university students of the Muslim world. The daily student scene there was just as you see above! That civilization keeps femininity on a very high (quasi-liturgical) level! Very fitting!
I do oppose every form of female oppression, including reducing women to wearing exposed pants! WOMEN SHOULD ALWAYS COVER THEIR PANTS, guarding thereby their feminine gracefulness which otherwise becomes seduction and pitiable shame!

N.B. The elegant and modest pro tennis skirt!