Monday, August 11, 2014

EWTN IN CONCERT SERIES: Sundays 1:30 - 2:30 PM

I am excited about the very high quality programming of EWTN these days.

E.g. for the past few Sundays, just after the morning Masses and coffee hour and social gathering with the parishioners, I come in to the rectory around 1:45 PM and turn on the dining room TV (not an ideal set-up--I not being the pastor it must be so, for now) to channel 33, EWTN and there have found the best possible music with top performers in the noblest performance spaces.

Consider yesterday's performance: world class soprano Cecilia Bartoli in Versailles singing arias from the 17th century priest, court diplomat and composer Agostino Steffani of whom I had never previously heard! A fine find, thanks to EWTN! That is Catholic programming that will surely win converts to the faith from the highest places. Bravo.

Incidentally, this composer brings to mind another likewise less-known Sicilian opera composer Giovanni Pacini (sic). Italy's musical history is filled with these largely neglected and forgotten musical treasures, in the secular as well as the sacred realms.

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